Family & Kids
Al’s Angels is always in need of volunteers. Families working together, side by side with their kids, instill a deep sense of selflessness and compassion. Whether it’s wrapping a gift, assembling a holiday basket, filling a food bin for a family at Thanksgiving or hosting a fundraiser, we can never have too many volunteers. Please fill out form below to volunteer.
Host Your Own Fundraiser
Over the years, Al's Angels has been blessed because of the incredible work of so many volunteers, organizations and companies that have held fundraisers to support our organization. Retailers, manufacturers, service companies, schools & civic groups have held : Penny Challenges, Special Shopping Nights, Sales, Concerts, Dance Shows & more to benefit the work of Al's Angels. We are open to all ideas and would love to discuss ways in which you, your family, organization, school or company can craft a fundraiser to support Al's Angels. If you would like to help, please fill out the contact form.

Special Thanks To...
There is a growing group of children, adults, organizations that are hosting their own Al's Angels fundraisers and we want to acknowledge them and thank them.
In order to achieve our yearly goals, Al's Angels needs a large number of volunteers to host lemonade stands, toy drives and packing and loading holiday meal bins for Thanksgiving, Christmas & Hanukkah. The work of Al's Angels demands that we have great people doing their best work to help those in need. We always need more Angels, since there is always something to do. There may be ways in which we can use your "elbow grease" and other talents to move forward with our mission. All that we ask is that you come to this mission with a pure heart and respect for the children and families that we serve. What makes Al’s Angels so special is the dedication and reverence around all our efforts. Whether you are young or not-so-young, we can use your help. Please to be on our volunteer/donor database. You will receive our emails and notifications about upcoming events that can use your support. Thanks for being an Angel.

Angels in Action
Angels in Action Members of Al's Angels are active all year long performing acts of kindness and love to those in need. It is in this area that we pay tribute to so many people and families that have stepped up to help and serve as examples to others on how to live a life of service. May God Bless each of these people and the work that they do.
Donate Today
Al's Angels is able to provide holiday meals, gifts & toys to thousands of children and families battling cancer, rare blood disease and severe financial hardship thru the amazing generosity of our donors and volunteers. You can rest assured that 100% of the donations that we receive go directly to providing holiday joy and gifts to those in desperate need. Al's Angels has no paid employees. We are a 501(C)3 charity and have built a virtual organization of thousands of volunteers who work very hard all year long so that we can achieve our goals and objectives. Your dollars and donations bring hope and joy to many children in desperate need.

How Can You Help?
Al's Angels always needs more Angels. You can help by spreading the word to your friends, family & business colleagues about the mission of our organization. We continue to work with many hospitals, clinics, and groups that provide aid and support to children in desperate need. Any help that you can provide in alerting us to grants available and/or organizations that are interested in supporting our efforts, would be greatly appreciated. We have numerous volunteer events throughout the year. Please sign up to be an Angel.

Calling all Amazon Shoppers!
How would you like to still be able to shop on Amazon at the same great prices, (yes, even Amazon Prime members) and have a small amount of the proceeds go to help Al’s Angels’ mission of helping poor, sick and underprivileged children and families in need? Too good to be true? Not at all!
Introducing AmazonSmile! AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Even if you already are an Amazon Prime Member, it’s the same products, same prices, same service. And it will donate 0.5% of the price of most purchases to the charitable organization of your choice (we hope Al’s Angels! ☺)